Any person charged with a serious violent crime has to be prepared for a fight. Because these cases are so serious, law enforcement and prosecutors usually come at the accused with the full force of their power. You need an attorney that can fight back.
Our lawyers have fought these battles before, and we understand what it takes and what is at stake. Also, we understand the stress that comes with facing such a serious allegation. We can help get you through it.
At Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat, we have handled all types of violent crime cases. Our team of lawyers, paralegals, and investigators can provide you with the resources to get the results you need. We have dealt with every type of case, including the following:
Additional Resources
Utah Statistics for Violent Crimes - Visit the criminal identification section of the Utah Department of Public Safety website for Utah crime statistics, uniform crime reporting, and incident-based reporting for a variety of crimes of violence.
Utah Office for Victims of Crime - Visit the website for UOVC to find the latest news and announcements concerning crime victim compensation. The UOVC helps victims of crimes receive financial compensation after a financial loss, physical injury, or emotional trauma as a result of a violent crime. Through the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, the UOVC provides staff support to the Utah Council on Victims of Crime and enhanced training to local law enforcement agencies. The UOVC also administers funds from the Victim of Crime Act Compensation, Assistance grants, and Violence Against Women grants.
If you were arrested for a crime of violence in Utah, you need to discuss your case with an experienced Utah criminal defense attorney. The knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers at Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat, LLP take these cases very seriously. Incases of violent crime, it is important to hire an attorney as early in the investigation as possible.
Contact the experienced and dedicated criminal defense lawyers at Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat, LLP today by calling (801) 532-5297 to discuss your case.