20 Rules You Must Follow While on Parole in Utah

In Utah, the organization that monitors individuals on parole is Adult Probation and Parole as part of the Department of Corrections.

While probation is for those who served jail time, parole is for those who have served time in prison. Parole allows individuals in prison to return to the community before the end of their prison sentence. But being released on parole comes with supervision and plenty of rules (conditions).

The following 20 conditions are summarized explanations of the standard conditions for parole in Utah. However, special conditions may also be added depending on the circumstances.

1. Compliance. You will comply with your parole agreement and its requirements.

2. Reporting. You will report to your assigned parole agent as soon as you are released and as required during the term of your parole.

3. Conduct. Your conduct (actions) will be in line with the law and court orders. If you are arrested or questioned by law enforcement, you must notify your parole agent within 48 hours.

4. Cooperation. You will cooperate with all the agencies involved in your supervision.

5. Truthfulness. You will be truthful with all the agencies involved in your supervision.

6. Absconding. You won’t flee or become a fugitive from parole.

7. Residence. You will live at a residence that is known and approved and you won’t move without first getting approval.

8. Parole Visits. You will allow your parole agent to visit you wherever you are. You must get approval to have increased security such as vicious dogs, video surveillance, perimeter security doors, and radio frequency devices.

9. Transitional Services. you don’t have a residence approved at least 30 days before your release. If Transitional Services does not have a space for you on the day of your release, your release may be delayed without a hearing.

10. Out of State Travel. You won’t cross Utah state lines (or the state to which you are released/transferred) without approval.

11. Curfew. You will follow a curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. for the first 90 days of your parole. Exceptions may be granted by your parole agent.

12. Search. You agree to be subject to search or seizure at any time of your person, property, personal effects, place of residence, or vehicle by Adult Probation and Parole or law enforcement. This can be done without cause or a warrant.

13. Weapons. You won’t own or possess in any way explosives, firearms, or dangerous weapons of any kind.

14. Center Fees. You will pay all the fees associated with services provided by the Department of Corrections Community Corrections Center or any other organization that you visit as part of your parole.

15. Supervision Fees. You will pay any required fees as stated by Utah law. Fees may be waived in certain circumstances.

16. Employment. You will maintain lawful employment of at least 30 hours per week and report it to your parole agent. You must notify your parole agent within 48 hours of an employment change. Exceptions to the 30-hour rule may be granted in certain circumstances.

17. Association. You will not associate with criminal activity in any way. This includes people and places who are or regularly commit crimes. You must also receive approval before associating with anyone who has been convicted of a felony.

18. Controlled Substances. You will not use or possess controlled substances. Exceptions may be granted for prescriptions. You also agree to drug testing by your parole agent.

19. Activities. You will not act as an informant or agent of any law enforcement agency without approval.

20. Obligations. You will pay all your monetary obligations as ordered by the court including restitution and child support.

If you have questions about parole—for you or a loved one—the expert defense lawyers at Brown, Bradshaw & Moffat are ready to help. We have decades of experience helping individuals in prison file for parole and those on parole navigate all of their conditions.

Call us today at (801) 532-5297 for a free consultation. We are ready to help with your parole questions.

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